Western Canada Helps Graduating Students

RE/MAX of Western Canada is committed to helping future community leaders by offering $16,000 in bursary funds through its annual Quest for Excellence Program. One recipient—in addition to his/her bursary—will receive a hot air balloon ride for two.
The Quest for Excellence Program recognizes the pursuits in leadership and community contributions of Western Canadian students. High school students graduating in 2017 from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon and Northwest Territories are encouraged to write an essay to convey the contributions they have made to enrich the lives of others and their communities through leadership, motivation, volunteering and participation in charitable events or fundraising.
Sixteen winners will be selected from entries received online at remax.ca. Each winner will receive a $1,000 RE/MAX Quest for Excellence bursary. All 16 bursary recipients will be placed in a draw and one lucky student will also receive a hot air balloon ride for two from the closest major city. The application deadline is March 13, 2017. Award recipients will be notified in April 2017, with a formal presentation at the students’ commencement ceremonies. Click Here to Enter
For some, making it out the door on time is nothing short of a miracle. For others, miracles are life-changing events that alter your life the moment they happen. At RE/MAX, our agents make miracles happen every day, through the sale of every home. When you spot the iconic red, white, and blue sign standing proudly on the front lawn of a home that is for sale, you may also notice a special addition that advertises it as a Miracle Home. Sure, small miracles happen at home every day, but what makes this home so special? That sign rider that stands tall above the sign lets you know that the RE/MAX Agent is not just any agent, they are a Miracle Agent who generously donates a portion of the sale of each home to the Children’s Miracle Network member hospital in their community.
RE/MAX is proud to celebrate our 25 year partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network! In Canada alone, our dedicated agents, whose deep commitment to community involvement, have helped raise a total of more than $60 million through various initiatives. Now that is something to celebrate!
The Salvation Army is a recognizable name in many communities throughout Canada, but few know of the many services this organization provides. RE/MAX in the valley is the proud provider of several services including the Tuesday lunch program at St Georges United Church. Visit https://clbc.cioc.ca/record/CLB4621 for a full list on area services.
Additional information is available at : https://valleychild.ca/services/salvation-army-family-services/
The Comox Valley Pipe Band promotes the continued development of youth pipers and drummers in the Comox Valley and surrounding area. We are committed to raising and promoting awareness of Scottish Bag Pipe traditions and music. www.comoxvalleypipeband.com
Chartered in 1944. SI Courtenay is a diverse membership of business and professional women whose talents and energies fuel the enthusiasm for our annual fundraisers and projects. We are a group of successful, caring women striving to help other women to be their best.
We support the Comox Valley Transition Society with Soropti Paks for women leaving difficult family situations, RCMP Boot Camp for Youth, Comox Valley Hospice Society, Therapeutic Riding Society, Lake Trail Neighbourhood Connections project, Comox Valley Senior Peer Society Counselling Society, Stepping Stones Recovery House for women, bursaries for high school and post secondary students; plus much more. Our signature projects include : Successful Dressing, and Yes You Can Mentoring Day for young women aged 16-18 in our community, two worthwhile projects we are proud to provide to the women of our community. We also participate in Soroptimist International of the America’s signature projects; Women’s Opportunity Award, Violet Richardson Award, and the Ruby Award.
Club email: sicourtenay@soroptimist.net